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Benvenuti al nostro test di competenza in inglese!

Il test è progettato per valutare il tuo livello di inglese. Se una domanda ti sembra troppo difficile, ti consigliamo di lasciarla senza risposta. Non è necessario rispondere a tutte le domande per ottenere una valutazione accurata del tuo livello.

Al termine del test, ti suggeriremo un corso specifico da frequentare in base al risultato che avrai ottenuto, per aiutarti a migliorare le tue competenze linguistiche.

Buona fortuna!

1. She ___ at the park right now.

2. I ___ a book yesterday.

3. My name ___ Anna. I am a student.

4. Which is a verb?

5. Choose the correct preposition: I live ___ a small town.

6. They ___ dinner when I arrived.

7. She ___ very happy when she heard the news.

8. Which of these is a noun?

9. He went to the store to buy ___ apples.

10. Choose the correct sentence:

11. I ___ to the party last weekend.

12. There ___ any milk left in the fridge.

13. She ___ in London for three years.

14. Choose the correct preposition: The keys are ___ the table.

15. They ___ tired after the long journey.

16. If I ___ you, I would take the job.

17. The man ___ lives next door is a doctor.

18. I ___ him for years.

19. I wish I ___ more time to finish this project.

20. Choose the best option: She’s looking forward ___ her birthday party.

21. He hasn’t been feeling well ___ last week.

22. This time next week, I ___ on the beach.

23. Choose the correct question form: What ___ at the moment?

24. How long ___ in Paris before you moved here?

25. Choose the correct word: I’ve ___ finished my homework.

26. The book ___ by the time you come back.

27. They are used ___ long hours.

28. Choose the correct word: I need a ___ amount of time to complete this task.

29. It’s high time they ___ the truth.

30. Choose the best sentence:

31. If I ___ known, I would have told you.

32. The company has decided ___ new staff next month.

33. Despite ___ extremely tired, she finished the project.

34. The company is rumored ___ expanding into new markets.

35. No sooner ___ the bell ring than the students left.

36. She acted as though she ___ the best solution.

37. Choose the best word: Her behavior was totally ___.

38. If it hadn't been for the weather, the event ___ a success.

39. He insisted that the problem ___ addressed immediately.

40. Such was the impact of the speech that it ___ discussed for years.

41. Read the passage:

John is 8 years old. He has a dog named Max. Every day, he plays with Max in the park.

What is John’s age?

42. What is the name of John’s dog?

43. Read the passage:

Sara loves painting. She spends most of her free time creating beautiful landscapes. Last summer, she participated in a local art competition and won first prize.

What does Sara like doing?

44. What happened last summer?

45. Read the passage:

Michael has been working as a teacher for ten years. Although he enjoys his job, he sometimes finds it challenging to manage large classes. He is thinking about taking a course to improve his teaching methods.

How long has Michael been a teacher?

46. What is Michael considering doing?

47. Read the passage:

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many countries are investing in these technologies to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

What is the main topic of the passage?

48. Why are countries investing in renewable energy?

49. Read the passage:

Despite the economic downturn, the company managed to maintain steady growth. This was primarily due to its focus on innovation and its ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

What was the main reason for the company’s success during the economic downturn?

50. What is the meaning of the word "downturn" in this context?

51. Read the passage:

The philosopher's argument was highly nuanced, relying on a deep understanding of both empirical evidence and abstract reasoning. By weaving together these elements, he crafted a perspective that challenged the conventional wisdom of his time.

What does the philosopher’s argument rely on?

52. What is meant by the word "nuanced" in this passage?

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